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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: Harry

Member#: 186
Registered: 14-04-2003
Diary Entries: 418

18th August 2003
Windsurfing: Jericoacoara, Brazil
Wind Direction: E
Wind Stength: 20-25 knots
Surf / Sea State: Flat, swell on outside
Air Temperature: Scorchio!
Sea Temperature: Scorchio!
Weather: Mucho Sol
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Wierd weather today. Usual cloud in the morning, then wind started kicking in around midday. But then at 1pm a huge downpour which lasted for about an hour and completely killed the wind. First time we have had proper rain since I´ve been here.

Thought it would ruin the wind for the rest of the day, but then quite quickly after the rain stopped at around 2.30pm the wind started filling in again, and people who had gone out were soon coming off the water to change down to much smaller sails than in the previous few days. I went out at 3.30pm and was well powered up on my 5.2 rigged semi-flat, at times slightly overpowered. Should really have had some more downhaul on the sail. Not much wind on the inside which made gybing difficult, and very confused chop on the outside mixed in with bigger swell today which made generally all sailing more difficult. So not as enjoyable a session as yesterday despite the better wind, since my performance left much to be desired. But finished off the session on a good note with a proper big floaty un-hooked jump on my last run out, where I really got the feel of hanging off the sail mid-air like the pro´s do.... Shame the landing was crap. Far too flat, which from that height made quite an impact on the water - thought for a moment I had damaged the board - and resulted in a spin-out then splosh. Next time it will be a back loop though....
Toys Used:
F2 Axxis 261, 85L
NP Jet 5.2



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